What We Do

CFE Learning is an online teaching and learning resource that can be used at home or in the classroom.

It will include materials for every subject at every level of A Curriculum for Excellence - Level 3, National and Higher.

For Students

CFE Learning is a valuable revision resource for students.  Students will have access to subject materials, where they can read through the information and complete tasks at their own pace.  The addition of videos and PowerPoints helps to bolster their understanding and allow students to learn in a way that best suits them.  Included in the monthly subscription is access to one of our subject tutors who can help support students in group tutoring sessions as well as live sessions.  Students are also able to email subject teachers directly to submit work that they would like to be marked.  All of the information that student's have access to will greatly support them to work towards achieving the goals that they are aiming for.

Included in the subscription:

1. Access to all course materials
2. Access to tasks and activities
3. Summary notes for each topic
4. 1 hour group tutoring session each week
5. Participation to live sessions
6. Access to subject tutor to email work

For Teachers

CFE Learning is also a valuable resource for teachers.  It has been created in a way that allows teachers to use it as a resource in the classroom, either by using the PowerPoint and videos that go alongside each lesson or by downloading and distributing the lesson activities to students.  There is a separate bank of teaching materials that only teachers can access, these are updated and replenished regularly.  These materials have been differentiated where appropriate, for example within the National course, each lesson contains questions and activities aimed at both National 4 and National 5.  Tasks and activities have been designed to include a variety of learning styles, skills and helps to develop knowledge and understanding.  Further differentiation is provided by the students in their response to the questions and activities.  Terminology is also provided for students to learn the language that's specific to the subject, helping them to further understand the topics.

Each lesson begins by outlining the learning intentions for that particular lesson and these are then reviewed at the end of the lesson.  

The website has also been designed in a way that it helps to support teachers when they are not in school.  Unplanned or planned absences can be challenging for teachers, CFE Learning aims to make this a more fluid process, where teachers can be reassured that their students will still learn the information they need even in their absence.

Included in the subscription:

1. Access to all course materials
2. Access to teaching resources
3. Join a community of other teachers